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Unity Entertainment TOS & Intended usage for claimed assets

By downloading files from any page on our website (Products include: Minecraft add-ons, mod menus, or anything containing modified files or software) you are agreeing and giving permission to the following terms and intended use (as well as potential actions taken) for all claimed assets made by Members in the Unity Modding Team.


Public display or use on any media platform:


When posting videos that show the use of an add-on or other files, that video must give credit either in the video or in a description if it is on youtube or Instagram. That credit must include,

-Product creator or publicist

-The name to the product or files that are in use

-Link(s) to the creator or publicist & Link to his/her youtube 

-Link(s) to the Unity website page that the product can be found on (URL shrinkers are not allowed)

If that video fails to achieve all requirements above either in the video or in an available description, that video will be taken down or claimed by UECMT. You are not entitled to a warning or to be contacted in any way before actions are taken.

The above requirements must be met in every video that displays public usage of files or product made by the Unity Modding Team.


Viewing files within our software or assets:


Do not attempt to open our software of assets to view its files. Going through files of a product made by Unity's Modding Team or copying code or assets when not permitted will result in legal pursuits or fines (This could include taking down files that are available publicly that contain assets or code from our products). All rights are owned by Unity Entertainment. We are not responsible for the damage down during the unintended usage of any of our products. We will not help or support anyone who has trouble with any product made by the Unity Modding Team if they have not followed our terms of service. Copying code from assets within any Minecraft add-on associated with Unity Entertainment and attempting to publish it will result in that attempt being taken down off of those sites which may include, or any other file hosting website.


By downloading or using any product or software associated with Unity Entertainment, you agree to the consequences addressed when any infringements on any of the above terms are made. 


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