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Checks for enabled modules


If you want commands to only run if a curtain module is enabled, then you can check the player's score in the objectives below.

Most of these objectives act as a bool. Meaning 1 is true, and 0 is false.



Anti-32k - illench

Anti-AFK - afkm

Anti-CBE - acmtoggle

Anti-Chat Spam - acstoggle

Anti-Op Abuse - opamtoggle

Anti-Fly Abuse - afmtoggle

Anti-Reach - armtoggle

Anti-Reach (gametest method) - arm_gt_toggle

Anti-Jesus - ajmtoggle

Anti-Lore - almtoggle

Beta Features - testin

Bottom Bedrock - bmmtoggle

Combat Logging - clmtoggle  (1=kill mode / 2=clear mode )

Chat Ranks - chatrank

Custom Item Ban - ibmtoggle

Death Effects - dethtoggle

Fake Staff Protection - ssmtoggle

Hotbar Messages - hmmtoggle (1=with_score / 2=without_score / 3=resource pack mode)

Lag Clear - ltmtoggle

Mining Detection - mdmtoggle

No Ender Chest - nemtoggle

One Player Sleep - opstoggle

Player Commands - icmtoggle

Random Spawn - rsmtoggle

Time Played - tpmtoggle

Unobtainable Items - uoimtoggle

World Border - wbmtoggle



Server Components


The objectives are synced with players, so the scores can be pulled by players instead of dummies for function support.

Information Check -  [ component ] - [ component type ] -  [ bool type ]

1 = true ||  0 = false


If player events are working - has_xx objective - true/false

If gametest scripts are working - has_gt objective - true/false


World Border X Size - Border_Coord_X objective - amount check

World Border Z Size - Border_Coord_Z objective - amount check

If a custom world spawnpoint was set - worldcustom objective - true/false



Player Components


Information Check -  [ component ] - [ component type ] -  [ bool type ]

1 = true ||  0 = false

If player has a given tag = true  || If they do not have a given tag = false



Player has seen the welcome GUI screen - seen_gui objective - true/false

Player has init ran on them - welcomed objective - true/false

Player's current tpa ID - tpa objective - amount check

Player's suicide timer - suicide objective - amount check (if above 1 then timer is active)

Player's time flying - flycount objective - amount check

Staff has autototem - totemtog objective - true/false

Staff has godmode - tgmGodMode objective - true/false

If player is loaded in - online objective - true/false

Player is staff - staffstatus tag - true/false

Player has owner permissions - ownerstatus tag - true/false



Player Money - moneyobjective - amount check

Player deaths - deaths objective - amount check

Player kills - kills objective - amount check

Player killstreak - killstreak objective - amount check


Player time played ticks - timeplayedtick objective - amount check

Player time played seconds - timeplayedsec objective - amount check

Player time played minutes - timeplayedmin objective - amount check

Player time played hours - timeplayedhr objective - amount check

Player time played days - timeplayedday objective - amount check


Diamonds Mined - diamond_ore objective - amount check

Gold Mined - gold_ore objective - amount check

Lapis Mined - lapis_ore objective - amount check

Netherite Mined - ancient_debris objective - amount check

Emeralds Mined - emerald_ore objective - amount check

Iron Mined - iron_ore objective - amount check


Player DeathCoords X Position - X_Coord_D objective - amount check

Player DeathCoords Y Position - Y_Coord_D objective - amount check

Player DeathCoords Z Position - Z_Coord_D objective - amount check


Player  X Position - X_Coordinate objective - amount check

Player  Y Position - Y_Coordinate objective - amount check

Player  Z Position - Z_Coordinate objective - amount check


Player Spawn X Position - X_Coord_S objective - amount check

Player Spawn Y Position - Z_Coord_S objective - amount check

Player Spawn Z Position - Y_Coord_S objective - amount check




Player is Frozen by staff - fzplr objective - true/false

Player's chatspam timer - chatspam objective - amount check


Player warns - warn objective - amount check

Player Unobtainable Item Flags - warnillegal objective - amount check

Player CBE Flags - warncbe objective - amount check

Player Creative Mode Flags - gmc_flag objective - amount check




Player facing direction - Player_Facing objective - (0=Down | 1=Up | 2=North | 3=South | 4=West | 5=East)

Player in combat - in_combat objective - true/false

Player's time left in combat - combat_timer objective amount check

Player's time left teleport cooldown - tp_cooldown objective - amount check

Player's time of not moving - notmovingflag objective - amount check

Player's time of being afk - afktimer objective - amount check

Player is moving - is_moving tag - true/false

Player holding light source - hastorch objective - true/false

Player sleeping - is_sleeping objective - true/false

Riding Entity - riding objective - true/false

Player gliding with elytra - Is_Gliding tag - true/false

Player is jumping - is_jumping tag - true/false

Player is holding a trident - has_trident tag - true/false



Inside Nether Dimention - in_nether objective - true/false

Inside End Dimention - in_end objective - true/false

Player on solid block - Is_On_Ground tag - true/false

Player in contant with water - water_contact objective - true/false

Player in water - in_water objective - true/false

Player is swimming - is_swimming objective - true/false

Player on solid block - Is_On_Ground tag - true/false

Player has levitation effect - Effect:Levitation tag - true/false

Player has slow fall effect - Effect:Slowfall tag - true/false



If Armor is Enchanted

Boots Slot - feeten objective - true/false

Legging Slot - legen objective - true/false

Chest Slot - chesten objective - true/false

Helmet Slot - headen objective - true/false


Wearing Leather

Boots Slot - leathboots objective - true/false

Legging Slot - leathlegs objective - true/false

Chest Slot - leathchest objective - true/false

Helmet Slot - leathhelm objective - true/false


Wearing Chainmail

Boots Slot - chainboots objective - true/false

Legging Slot - chainlegs objective - true/false

Chest Slot - chainchest objective - true/false

Helmet Slot - chainhelm objective - true/false


Wearing Iron

Boots Slot - ironboots objective - true/false

Legging Slot - ironlegs objective - true/false

Chest Slot - ironchest objective - true/false

Helmet Slot - ironhelm objective - true/false


Wearing Gold

Boots Slot - goldboots objective - true/false

Legging Slot - goldlegs  objective - true/false

Chest Slot - goldchest objective - true/false

Helmet Slot - goldhelm objective - true/false


Wearing Diamond

Boots Slot - diaboots objective - true/false

Legging Slot - dialegs objective - true/false

Chest Slot - diachest objective - true/false

Helmet Slot - diahelm objective - true/false


Wearing Netherite

Boots Slot - nethboots objective - true/false

Legging Slot - nethlegs objective - true/false

Chest Slot - nethchest objective - true/false

Helmet Slot - nethhelm objective - true/false


Misc Equipment Checks

Has Elytra - elytra objective - true/false

Turtle Helmet - turthelm objective - true/false










Although the legend will rest in piece,
Technoblade still never dies
as he'll continue to live on in our hearts.

Server Components
Player Components
Player Armor


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