To ensure everything in UAC works on your realm, we must follow these steps to enable experimental features on the realm. Whether applying UAC for the first time or updating UAC, you will, unfortunately, encounter problems if you attempt to apply it to a world that is too big in size. We recommend applying/updating in the middle of your season transitions or your next realm wipe.
Step 1: Create a new local (Single Player) world, and in the settings enable all experimental features.
Step 2: Click "Create World" so this way we generate the world with default chunk files based on its seed.
Step 3: Once we create and join this world, we can save & quit as soon as everything loads. We now have created a world with experimental features enabled.
Step 4: If we already have a world in the realm, we'll need to wipe it by using the "reset world" option. If you do not wish to do this, then wait until your next season or wipe period to apply or update UAC. Refusing to do this step will result in the realm not accepting the pack properly, or having certain features not work at all.
Step 5: After resetting the world on the realm, we will now use the "replace" option to replace the world with our single-player world that we created which has the experimental features applied to it.
Step 6: After replacing the realm with the world we created earlier, you will now go to the realm's behavior section (and resource section if you decide to you it) and apply UAC to the realm.
This video link will show visual aid on how to apply experimental features to realms/servers
The welcome message UAC gives you when you enter a world is an indicator that the INIT file was run on you. This INIT file is run on each individual player as they join in, which gives them default values needed for some of the scoreboard objectives used in UAC.
Without any modules toggled (which will be explained later), UAC by default will protect the realm from non-staff players entering creative mode. It is possible for players to use the Command Block Exploit (CBE) to do lots of things including changing their gamemode. It is important to know, that UAC is not a guaranteed full-proof fix to stop all exploits in its tracks. UAC provides staff with many tools which help moderate the realm, while also in some ways protecting players from your staff as well.
tags are given with /tag
@s Myself
@p Closest Player
@r Random Player
@a All players
Give Staff Tag
Giving yourself the staff tag in UAC looks like this. /tag @s add staffstatus
This gives us the staffstatus tag. You can change the add to remove which will take the tag off. If you don't see the tag already there in auto-complete, it's fine. It just means that the tag hasn't been used yet, but the tag will still work. Tags are also cap-sensitive, so capital or lowercase does matter. Most tags except for the ban tag will be lowercase in UAC.
Giving someone else the staff tag in UAC looks like this.
/tag player add staffstatus
We're using /function for most UAC commands. The command calls apon a function within UAC, which is used as a command within itself. Other commands in gametest use the chat prefix of UAC.
The following are all the UAC commands. The commands are caps-sensitive.
Developer Gametest Commands
​ [ init | features | version | backdoor | test | owner ]
Usage :
â–º Developer Init everyone : init
â–º Developer Init player : init [ @player ]
â–º Enable Development Freatures : features || disable
â–º Check UAC version : version
â–º Super Secret Backdoor : backdoor
â–º Check UAC Dev version : test || devbuild
â–º Check owner status : owner
â–º Check experimental detections : exp
â–º Check your score in a objective : scoretest {objective}
â–º RealmBot Relay Test Command (color test) : RB {color hex} {string}
â–º RealmBot Relay Test Command (default color) : RB1 {string}
Developer Function Commands
â–º Developer Init : /function UAC/DEV/init
{A hidden command that will make UAC think all players currently in the realm are new. This will allow the init file to be run again on all players shall it ever need to be.}
â–º Developer Testing Features : /function UAC/DEV/enable-test-features
{This will enable hidden features, or features currently being tested inside UAC. As of UAC 2.4, all this does is allow ambient lighting around the player when they hold a torch or a lamp. Holiday Experimental Features are needed for it to work. A nice touch for SMP-style realms and such.}
â–º Check for owner tag : /function test/ownertest
{A hidden test command for checking if the owner key for fake staff protection was indeed applied correctly.}
â–º Death Coord Test : /function UAC/test/death_test
{A hidden test command used in development when creating the "Last Death" command via gametest.}
â–º Check Version : /function UAC/asset/version
{A asset command that shows the official release version which can be used for debugging purposes. This information is useful when getting help via a discord ticket from our server.}
â–º UAC init file : /function UAC/asset/uac-init-asset
{A asset command responsible for setting up UAC on a player/realm. Executing this asset on a player can sometimes fix a few select issues that they may be having.}
Staff Gametest Commands
â–º Advanched GUI: UAC.gui
â–º Clear Lag: UAC.lagclear
â–º Vanish Toggle: UAC.vanish [optional gamemode]
â–º Inventory Checker: UAC.inv view @player
â–º Mute Player: UAC.mute @player [minutes]
â–º Punish: UAC.punish @player
â–º Freeze: UAC.freeze @player
â–º mayfly: UAC.mayfly [add / remove] @player
â–º Wipe Enderchest: UAC.echestwipe @player
â–º Warn Reset: UAC.warnreset @player
â–º Warn: UAC.warn @player
â–º Clear Lag: UAC.lagclear
â–º Set WorldSpawn: UAC.worldspawn [ set | remove ]
Staff Function Commands
â–º Clear Lag: /function UAC/lagclear
{Will manually trigger the lag clear function that runs when UAC detects an entity count above 100 entities (assuming autolagclear is enabled). This command will only affect entities that are dropped items or hostile mobs, which are the same entities that the entity count will keep track of}
â–º Vanish: /function UAC/vanish
{Allows a staff member to turn invisible even if they are wearing armor or holding items}
â–º Kits: /function KIT/
{The command shows a list of command auto-completes for various admin kits to be used for moderation purposes. These kits can also be applied via the staff GUI menu.}
â–º Particles : /function particle/
{The command shows a list of command auto-completes for various particle assets used within UAC. These commands can also be used via command blocks if you'd like to use them for specialized purposes in your custom realm.}
â–º Help: /function UAC/help/all-commands
{This is a quick way to see all function commands in-game. Other subcommands under this help command allow you to get more info on that specific command. They can be seen by simply looking through the in-game command auto-complete.}
â–º Auto Totem: /function UAC/autototem
{Gives staff an auto-replacing totem in their offhand for moderation purposes. Good for combined use with an admin kit when testing to see if a player is using thorns or sharpness beyond a vanilla value during combat. This command may be disabled if the owner has Anti Op Abuse enabled.}
â–º Clear Area: /function UAC/cleararea
{This command has two options, large or small. This command needs to be performed twice. The first use will warn you what is about to happen, and ask you if you're sure. The second use will clear out the area around you. Useful for getting rid of lag machines, illegal stashes, and so on.}
â–º Godmode: /function UAC/tgm
{tgm (toggle god mode), inspired by the Skyrim console command, will grant you invulnerability from even the void. This command does not work when Anti OP Abuse is enabled. Performing the command again will toggle the godmode off.}
â–º Fake Leave: /function UAC/fakeleave
{Will send a fake leaving message into chat for your Gamertag.}
â–º Modules: /function UAC/modulecheck
{Check which modules are disabled or enabled at any time. The message is only for you to see, and will not spam the chat.}
â–º Modules: /function UAC/test
{This command outputs the specific dev version of the UAC build you're using. Another command to get the official build for debugging purposes, or when getting help in the discord would be
/function UAC/asset/version.}
â–º Itembans: /function UAC/itembancheck
{This will check what items are banned/allowed at any time. The message is only for you to see, and will not spam the chat.}
â–º Ore Alert Check: /function UAC/ore_alert_check
{This shows which Ore Alerts are enabled for the Mining Detection Module.}
â–º Open GUI Menu: /function UAC/gui
{This opens the Staff Commands GUI which allows easy access to common commands, mostly for use of console players.}
â–º Show Credits: /function UAC/credit
{Displays the UAC Dev Credits in chat.}
Staff Gametest Commands meant to be used on a targeted player
â–º Clear EnderChest: UAC.echestwipe [ @player ]
â–º Freeze Player: UAC.freeze [ @player ]
â–º Check Player Inventory: UAC.inv [ @player ]
â–º Whitelist Player from Anti-Fly: UAC.mayfly [ add @player | remove @player]
â–º Punish Player: UAC.punish [ @player ]
â–º Warn Player: UAC.warn [ @player ]
â–º Reset Player warns: UAC.warnreset [ @player ]
Staff Function Commands meant to be used on a targeted player
â–º Stats: /execute as (player) run function UAC/stats
{Shows player's time played, warns, current game mode, KDR, and even the last command that was executed on the player (for staff, the last command they used)}
â–º Punish: /execute as (player) run function UAC/punish
{This clears Inv and Echest then gives a warning}
â–º Freeze Player: /execute as (player) run function UAC/freeze_player
{This will prevent the targeted player from being able to move. Execute the command on them again to free them.}
â–º Warn: /execute as (player) run function UAC/warn
{This will give the targeted player one warning. UAC will automatically ban players on their third warning. They also receive 1 warning on their third attempt at spawning an illegal item.}
â–º Lastcommand: /execute as (player) run function UAC/lastcommand
{This will display the last UAC Command used by the player.}
â–º Wipe Enderchest: /execute as (player) run function UAC/echestwipe
{This will clear the ender chest of the targeted player.}
â–º Warn Reset: /execute as (player) run function UAC/warnreset
{This will reset the target player's warning count and illegal warning count as well.}
â–º Whitelist from Anti-Fly: /execute as (player) run UAC/mayfly (or mayflyremove)
{These two commands are executed on a player which will allow them to be ignored by the Anti-Fly.}
â–º Ban: /tag (player) add Ban OR /scoreboard players set (player) Ban 1
{The tag is cap sensitive, make sure to make the `b` capital when banning a player.}
Unbanning players from UAC
This has two commands based on whether or not the player is soft-banned or hard-banned.
A soft-banned player will not be kicked from the realm. Instead, they are forced to hover in the sky until a staff member decides a just action for them. If experimental features are not on, all automated bans use this method instead of a hard ban.
To unban a soft banned player : /execute as (player) run UAC/unban
A hard-banned player is instantly kicked from the realm apon being banned and when they attempt to rejoin.
In version 2.4 of UAC and higher, all automated bans use this method assuming experimental features are enabled properly.
You may unban someone who is hard banned by doing the following command: /function UAC/unban_window
This will then open up a 2-minute window for which the hard-banned player will have to join within in order to be unbanned. If you have HotbarMessages enabled, you will also get a progress bar for the remaining time the unban window has. This may require communication with the player you are trying to unban. After they are good to go you can perform the command a second time to close this window manually. Do not leave the realm while this window is open, or it will not close.
The main modules in UAC can be toggled by using the /function toggle command. The following is how to toggle each module and what it does. All modules on start-up are off by default. You can see which ones are enabled/disabled at any given time by doing /function UAC/modulecheck. Once a module is turned on, you can simply toggle it again to turn the module off.
â–º Anti-32k Module: UAC.illench [ on | off ]
{If a player has an enchanted item, with the enchantment being above its vanilla enchantment power,
the item will be removed from the player. This is also true for items that can't usually be enchanted or enchantment on the wrong item.
You can view our video that goes into more detail here:}
â–º Anti-CBE Module: /function toggle/anticbe
{Attempts to prevent all known CBE (command block exploit) methods used by hack clients. This is an exploit for which players who are not operators can perform commands in your realm. In the staff GUI (/function UAC/gui) you can fine-tune some options with this to better fit your realm's experience while also remaining protected.}
â–º Anti - ChatSpam : UAC.chatspam [ on / off ]
{(requires gametest) This will rate limit player's messages if too many messages are sent within a small period of time. When triggered, the player will have their message canceled and instead be prompted to wait a small period of time until they can send a message again. If they continue to spam while being rate limited, their wait time will increase.}
â–º Anti-Crasher : null
{This is left on by default, and can't be turned on or off. This protects the realm against modules in utility clients that cause the realm to crash. When triggered, all staff are sent a notification that the player was immediately perm-banned for attempting to crash the realm/server.}
â–º Anti-Nuker : null
{This is left on by default, and can't be turned on or off. This protects the realm against modules in utility clients that allow players to remove large chunks of terrain for griefing purposes. This also leads to much lag. This is left on for your protection as well as false flags being near impossible.}
â–º Anti Op Abuse Module: /function toggle/opabuse
{This is designed to prevent operators from Abusing their powers in pvp. When a staff member is creative, their ability to do damage to any entity including a player is disabled. They will also not be able to shoot arrows or throw potions. When this is enabled, certain commands like smite and godmode are disabled as well.}
â–º Anti-Fly Module: /function toggle/antifly
{This will auto-ban non-staff players who are detected to be fly hacking. This will not falsely flag players using the elytra.}
â–º Anti-Reach : /function toggle/anti_reach || UAC.reach [on / off/ max-dist] [number]
{This makes sure players can't hit each other beyond the vanilla distance during combat. The gametest version is much more effective, as it allows you to set the max reach a player can have even if they are hacking using JavaScript.}
â–º Anti Combat Log : /function toggle/anti-Clogging
{This module will punish those who left during combat once they rejoin. This can be set to two different modes. The player can either have their inventory cleared, or they can be killed apon rejoining.}
â–º AFK Kick : /function toggle/afk_kick
{While enabled, players will be temporarily kicked from the realm if they remain idle for more than 2 minutes.}
â–º AFK Jesus : (This is toggled via staff GUI)
{While enabled, staff will be alerted if any players are flagged for Jesus hacks.}
â–º Anti Lore : (This is toggled via staff GUI)
{Needs Unobtainable Items module to be enabled to work. If an item has lore, it will be removed from player's inventory.}
â–º BottomBedrock Module: /function toggle/bottombedrock
{This will replace the bottom layer of bedrock at all times, to prevent people from making holes in the void at spawn. In the overworld, you can control the Y level of the bedrock layer from the fine-tuning GUI (/function UAC/gui) and select whether or not you have Caves & Cliffs enabled. If players are in the Nether, this module will self-compensate for that dimension. It will also ignore the End World, as it does not usually have a bedrock floor. If experimental features are not properly enabled, it will default to whatever level you have set it to for all dimensions based on its fine-tuning option.}
â–º Chat Ranks Module: UAC.ranks [ on | off ]
{Allows for players to have a custom rank displayed when talking in chat. Ranks and their color are managed by staff. Only staff can change their rank and other players' rank. If the commands below aren't working for a player, you can manually remove their rank tag and add your own.}
UAC.ranks add [ rank ] â–º Give yourself a specified rank
UAC.ranks give @player [ rank ] â–º Edit another player's rank
UAC.ranks remove [ @player ] â–º Remove your current rank. Or specify a player to remove their current rank.
UAC.ranks color [ color ] â–º Give yourself a specified rank color
UAC.ranks color edit @player [ color ] â–º Edit another player's rank color
Alternatively, you can add rank/color tags manually if you're having trouble with the commands.
For example, to give staff rank you can do /tag player add temprank:staff
And to add color, you'd use color codes. So if you wanted red... /tag player add tempcolor:c
â–º Death Effect Module: /function toggle/deatheffect
{This toggles the lightning and other effects that happen when a player dies. This does not work without experimental features.}
â–º Enchanted Armor Disable Module: /function toggle/enchanted_armor_disable
{This will disable the use of all enchanted armor for all players. This does not work without experimental features.}
â–º Fake Staff Protection Modules: /function toggle/fakestaffprotection
{This is meant for more add-on savvy realm owners, and provides an extra layer of security. This prevents players from simply bypassing UAC by using CBE to give themselves the staff tag. The owner key is needed to toggle this module on. It is extremely recommended to make the keys unique to your realm.
Here is a video that explains this system in more detail, as it is a more complex feature in UAC.}
â–º Fixed Container : UAC.fixedcontainer [ on / off ]
{(requires gametest) This module adds protection against NBT kits. If a container like a chest, furnace, or anything else that can possibly have items inside it is placed down, and somehow already has items in it, then that container will instead be empty when opened. For example, If I have a chest or barrel that has NBT information on it, so when I place it down, it will have items usually in the form of a kit, that container will instead be empty when I go to open it after placing it.}
â–º Hotbarmessage Modules: /function toggle/hotbarmessage (on/off/without_score)
{This is a message that appears above all players' Hotbar. When enabled, staff can see info about the realm when they enter creative, and players can see their KDR along with info that credits UAC. This is also laced with other features in UAC as well, such as when a player is frozen, using unban-windows, using the suicide command, and more.}
â–º Item Ban Module: /function toggle/itemban
{When enabled, will remove (a customizable list of) banned items from players. Unlike the Unobtainable Items module which bans non-conventional items. This is used more for vanilla items of which you would rather not have your players use. We add items to this list per popular requests on our discord. After enabling, you can then start choosing which items are banned from the /function banitem/ command.}
â–º Player Commands Module: /function toggle/player_commands
{This will enable the use of player chat commands. When enabled, the prefix for the player commands is
" UAC. ") }
UAC.display [ self | realm ] â–º Players can change their own Hotbar message if the realm does not have a mode set (disabled) --
UAC.stats [ get (player) ] â–º Players can see the stats of another player. If the command is given no parameters, it will instead pull the stats of the command user.
UAC.home [ set | warp | all ] â–º Players can create/delete home waypoints and then warp to them
UAC.tpa [ request | decline | accept | cancel ] â–º Players make a request followed by a player name. The receiving player can decline/accept the TPA request using this same command. The requesting player can cancel the request later if they'd like. They will need to cancel their current request to make a new one to a different player.
UAC.lastdeath â–º Players can see the location coords for where their last death was
UAC.worldspawn [ set | remove ] â–º Staff can change the Spot where players get sent to when crossing the world border.
UAC.spawntp â–º Players can warp to where ever the worldspawn has been set by staff
UAC.inv â–º Staff can check the inventory of players
UAC.suicide [ cancel ] â–º Players can now use suicide, which kills after 10 seconds of their second command use. The first command used will ask them if they are sure and tell them how to cancel if they are not. â–º Players can see the credits manually that have been put into the project
UAC.gui â–º Players can open a GUI that can make using some commands easier
â–º One Player Sleep: (This module is toggled via the staff GUI)
{Allows for one player to be able to skip to the morning by sleeping in a bed.}
â–º Lag Clear Modules: /function toggle/lagclear
{When enabled, UAC will perform a lag clear when the entity count exceeds 100. This is much more effective than having a timed lag clear, as it happens more when needed. When staff are in creative, they get a live feed of the current entity count}
â–º Lock Down: (This module is toggled via the staff GUI)
{When enabled, UAC will remove non-staff players from the realm as well as prevent them from joining until this module is disabled. Great for doing maintenance.}
â–º Mining Detection Modules: /function toggle/mining_detection
{When this is toggled, staff will receive notifications when players come across specific ores. The list of ores they get notifications for is customizable.}
â–º Namespoof Protection: null
{Can't be turned off, and runs automatically if gametest is enabled. This module will kick players apon joining if they are using a name that would otherwise confuse the scripts inside of the gametest API.}
â–º No EnderChest Modules: /function toggle/noechest
{This will disable the use of Ender Chests for all players excluding staff members}
â–º Random Spawn Modules: /function toggle/randomspawn
{Players will spawn randomly within a range of 1k blocks from 0,0 which prevents spawn camping. If Hotbar messages are on, you also can see where the coords change to while in creative mode. The 'spawntp' player command and world border teleport also use this same random location as it changes.}
â–º Realm Bot Flag Relay: (This module is toggled via the staff GUI)
{When this is enabled, UAC will communicate with Realm Bot to send a log to a discord channel when a player is flagged for something. This way you may be notified even when you're not in-game. Click HERE to see more documentation on how this works.}
â–º Time Played Modules: /function toggle/timeplayed
{Keeps track of the player's "time played" from the point this is enabled. You can see their time played by using the stats command on that player.}
â–º Unobtainable items Modules: /function toggle/unobtainableitems
{This needs to be enabled to clear unobtainable items from players such as spawn eggs, portal frames, and other items that you can't usually get rid of via commands. If a player is flagged for having an unobtainable item, they get 1 illegal item warned along with that item removed from them. 3 illegal item warns = 1 UAC warn. A player will get banned from 9 illegal items warns, or 3 UAC warns}
â–º World Border Modules: /function toggle/worldborder
{When enabled, will keep players from going past 70k blocks from spawn. The size of the world border is customizable. When players exceed the set distance away from 0,0 then they will be teleported to wherever the world spawn is.}
The Mining Detection Module notifications you get are customizable. All notifications are off by default. You can enable notifications for a specific ore by using the /function ore_alets/{whatever ore you choose}. You will then start receiving notifications for the specific ores you have set up whenever a player mines those ores. Sense an anti-Xray can't be patched for some clients, this is the best tool you will have as far as staff making sure players are playing legitimately.
The items banned by the ITEM BAN MODULE are customizable. In order to change banned/allowed items, the module needs to be enabled. You can ban/unban an item whenever you want. You are only limited to items UAC has in the item ban list. You can see these items by using the /function UAC/itembancheck command.
You can then ban choose an item to ban or allow by using the /function banitem/(specified item). The items available will show up in auto-complete.
The size of the world border can be changed in-game from 100k to 2k from spawn. By using the /function worldborder/ command, you'll see the different sizes in auto-complete for which you can change the world border. The world border module needs to be enabled in order to change the size.

